Marc Germain, 1/23/24

The one with the Apple fangirl. With Dina Losito

Declassified, 1/22/24

with Al Rantel and Debbie Ellis

Steven Spierer, 1/20/24

Steve welcomes child psychologist Dr. Mel Lewin to discuss parenting challenges and opportunities.

Speaking of Everything, 1/18/24

The one with twin boys living on a farm. With Dina Losito and Tomm Looney

CineMAXers, 1/16/24

1976’s A STAR IS BORN with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson directed by Frank Pierson. Email us at: cinemaxers@talkradioone.comFollow us on Facebook: @cinemaxers

Declassified, 1/15/24

with Al Rantel and Debbie Ellis

Speaking of Everything, 1/11/24

The One With Dina’s Drum Solo. With Losito and Looney

CineMAXers, 1/9/24

Molly Shannon in 2018’s WILD NIGHTS WITH EMILY… also, films Max and Jen saw over the holidays. Email us at: CineMaxers@talkradioone.comFollow us on Facebook @cinemaxers

Marc Germain, 1/9/24

The one without social media. With Steven Spierer

Declassified, 1/8/24

with Al Rantel & Debbie Ellis