Steven Spierer, 1/6/24

Steve talks with Professor Edward Hess, author of Own Your Work Journey! The Path to Meaningful Work and Happiness in the Age of Smart Technology and Radical Change

Marc Germain, 1/2/24

The one with the unraveling toilet paper roll. With Al Rantel

Declassified, 1/1/24

With Al Rantel & Debbie Ellis

Speaking of Everything, 12/21/23

The One Where Tom Wishes he was a Jehovah with Dina Losito and Tomm Looney

CineMAXers, 12/19/23

Last show of 2023!!! Eddie Murphy in CANY CANE LANE.Other surprises …. Email us at: CineMaxers@talkradioone.comFollow us on – Facebook @cinemaxers

Marc Germain, 12/19/23

With Al Rantel

Declassified, 12/18/23

With Al Rantel and Marc Germain in for Debbie Ellis

Steven Spierer, 12/16/23

Steve talks with Professor Luke Nichter, author of The Year That Broke Politics: Chaos and Collusion in the Presidential Election of 1968.

Speaking of Everything, 12/14/23

The One With The Weak Start with Dina Losito and Tomm Looney

CineMAXers, 12/12/23

In honor of the holiday season, Max and Jen will take a look at 1949’s .. HOLIDAY AFFAIR. Also, Max attends a screening of 1998’s.. DIE HARD as well as SALTBURN. 

Email us at: cinemaxers@talkradioone.comFollow us on Facebook- @cinemaxers