Speaking of Everything with Losito and Looney. 7/20/23

The one about Forest Creek. With Dina Losito and Tomm Looney

Marc Germain, 7/18/23

The one with the reunion. Debbie Ellis and Al Rantel in for Marc

Steven Spierer, 7/15/23

Steve talks with Bill Beigel, author of Buried on the Battlefield–Not my Boy: The Return of the Dead from World War II.

Speaking of Everything with Losito and Looney, 7/13/23

The One About The Lip. With Dina Losito and Tomm Looney

CineMAXers, 7/11/23

INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY, ASTEROID CITY, …. Netflix’s new documentary… WHAM! and much more as Jen and Max return from Ski Week. 

Email us at: cinemaxers@talkradioone 

Follow us on: Facebook- @cinemaxers weekly podcast on talkradioone.com

Marc Germain, 7/11/23

The one with the Frank book. With Doug McIntyre

Steven Spierer, 7/8/23

Steve talks with physician and medical thinker Norman Panitch, M.D. about insurance and government involvement in drug costs, the merger of hospitals and the impact of all that on our medical care.

Speaking of Everything, 7/6/23

The one with Redskins. With Dina Losito and Tomm Looney

Marc Germain, 7/4/23

The one with no social media. With Al Rantel

Speaking of Everything with Losito and Looney, 6/29/23

The One Where Dina and Bridget are Still Figuring it Out