Marc Germain, 5/31/16

With Dina Losito and Jon DeWoll.

Marc Germain, 5/26/16

With Dina Losito and Jon DeWoll.

Marc Germain, 5/24/16

With Rob Marinko, Dina Losito and Jon DeWoll.

Marc Germain, 5/17/16

With Dina Losito and Jon DeWoll’s news.

Marc Germain, 5/10/16

With radio and television personality Richard Bey, Dina Losito and Jon DeWoll.

Marc Germain, 5/3/16

With Dina Losito and Jon DeWoll’s news.

Marc Germain, 4/28/16

With Dina Losito, Vince Barbarie from Daily Turismo Radio and Jon DeWoll’s news. click here for Dina’s Prince song

Marc Germain, 4/26/16

With Sharon The Gossip Mom and Jon DeWoll’s news.

Marc Germain, 4/19/16

With Dina Losito and Jon DeWoll’s news.

Marc Germain, 4/12/16

With Dina Losito and Jon DeWoll’s news.