Marc Germain, 11/4/11

Regan Burns is back BITCHES! Dina Losito used her womanly charms to lure her man home… and she promised a vile sex act in return-taking one for the team. Tom Looney from Fox Sports Radio brings his A game discussing OWS, and Kenny Pick supports something lefty but we’re still not exactly sure what.

Marc Germain, 11/1/11

Rob Marinko confesses to sexual harassment, Barry from Omaha confesses to stalking an elderly stripper in his youth, Justin Levine confesses to value his Mercedes over dating and Sharon the Gossip Mom confesses to have no faith in Kardashian wedding vows.

Marc Germain, 10/28/11

Tomm Looney from Fox Sport Radio joins the half inebriated cast, while the other half tries to keep the show moving. BfO has news, Sharon the Gossip Mom squeezes in her Hollywood dish and Dina Losito makes us all pay dearly for her hard week at work.

Young Tomm Looney […]

Marc Germain, 10/25/11

Justin Levine fustians the place up with his news. Barry from Omaha defends the 1% and conjures up the spirit of Dan Avey. Some callers share their hatred of the cable companies and their love of Apple products.

Marc Germain, 10/18/11

We know this show sounds terrible and we’re not referring to the content. Unfortunately, we couldn’t fix it in post. Show Links: Las Vegas Man suffering from 100 pound scrotum needs $1 million for surgery.

Marc Germain, 10/14/11

Rob Marinko returns to offer diet and fitness advice, Sharon the Gossip Mom digs deep to find Lindsay Lohan news, Justin Levine digs deep to find his shotgun sound effect and Dina Losito is just happy to have a new iPhone after unloading her’s on some unsuspecting Russian mobster.

Marc Germain, 10/12/11

BFO has his take on things, Justin Levine enters late and leaves early, and Dina Losito it too distracted by trying to update her Apple idolatry to even pretend to care.

Marc Germain,10/7/11

Friday Night Lites – Dr. Jean-Jacques Dugoua from talks about Diabesity, Tomm Looney from Fox Sports News has much to say, Rob Marinko makes a right turn to stop by the show and Dina Losito is still fat no matter who’s on.

Marc Germain, 10/5/11

Sad MGS – Dina Losito mourns the passing of her beloved Steve Jobs, while Marc and BFO, soulless as they are, mocked her sorrow. They will burn in hell. And then Justin Levine has the 5-minute delayed old news cast.

Marc Germain, 9/30/11

Yes, we did a show. And what a show it was (possibly 2nd best ever) – BfO lectures the crew on banking, Dina Losito reveals she hit a car, Justin Levine rehashes news already covered, Sharon TGM checks in while tipping a few back and surprise appearance by Fox Sports Radio’s Tomm Looney.