Marc Germain, 5/26/11

Rob Marinko has a shocking revelation for the TRO audience – not to be missed. Or, if you do miss it, you’re life won’t change one iota. Regan Burns reviews “Hangover Pt. 2,” Gay Danny gives up on the gays and Dina Losito has put the wheels in motion to create a live Marc Germain […]

Marc Germain, 5/25/11

Diane Diamond drops TRO to give her insights into the Casey Anthony trial, Rob Marinko notes that if a defendant is young and cute, she should be exonerate, and Dina Losito is proud to say she won’t miss Oprah.

Marc Germain, 5/24/11

Jim “Poorman” Trenton stops by to wax poetic about the abysmal state of radio, but mainly just the radio he does. Rob Marinko and Marc become the Jaycees for Las Vegas, Dan the Fresh Quad of Antioch is recycling his reviews, Dina Losito finds herself lost in translations.

Marc Germain, 5/23/11

The A Team Returns – plus Barry from Omaha. Rob Marinko gets the shock of his life, Dina Losito is exposed by BFO and Sharon TGM eats more than any woman alive without vomiting. Food, that is.

Marc Germain, 5/20/11

Dina Losito describes finally meeting Barry from Omaha and it’s not quite what you’d think it would be – it’s worse. Regan Burns reviews ‘Bridesmaids’ and ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean CCMMVV’. Sharon TGM brings her share of Arnold, Marie Osmond and Lindsey, whether she’s relevant or not. Lindsey, that is – well… yeah, Lindsey. […]

Marc Germain, 5/18/11

For a show with just three of us, Marc, Dina Losito and Gay Danny, we had a night full of outside input everywhere from French prank calls to being recruited by Scientology. And then Marc gets creepy with a friend of GDH.

Marc Germain, 5/12/11

If we haven’t pissed you off enough, tonight’s show outta do it – TMG goes video! We finally all met on-air on video and guess what? You’ll never see it – but you will learn that Marc carries a money clip and a change purse. A change purse. Regan Burns reviews Thor and Beaver.

Marc Germain, 5/11/11

Dan Crews the SQ has a new title and he wows the cast with his hidden talents – you must listen to find out. Rob Marinko tries to provide news, Gay Danny from Hoboken is our Sassy Gay Friend, and Dina Losito hangs back so as to not seem too over-bearing.

Marc Germain, 5/9/11

Al Rantel found his way back to TRO and delights us all sparing with Rob Marinko over Social Securtiy, Medicare and whatnot. Dina Losito defends anything gay and Sharon TGM has nothing but love as long as you’re not an addict.

Marc Germain, 5/5/11

Talk radio legend Al Rantel, slumming on TRO with a triumphant return to the airwaves and worth every penny Marc paid him. Rob Marinko was schooled on his lack of Tea Party knowledge and Dina Losito was happy to have a gay uncle on the show. Regan Burns reviews ‘Fast and Furious 5’ and G […]